Where Birds Find Their Forever Homes
Step Up Parrots Aviary is a family-owned business located in beautiful Pensacola, FL. We breed a variety of parrots including Green Cheek Conures, Sun Conures, Jenday Conures, Kakarikis, Cockatiels, Plum-Headed Parakeets, Moustached Parakeets, and Caiques. We are dedicated to providing our birds with the best possible living arrangements, fresh food, and plenty of opportunities for socialization. If you're in the market for a new feathered friend, look no further than Step Up Parrots Aviary.
Welcome to Step Up Parrots
(A Division of Navy Dave USA LLC)

Our Story
At Step Up Parrots Aviary, we are passionate about breeding and caring for our feathered friends. Our journey began in San Diego, CA back in 2001, when we found our first conures and fell in love with them. Over the years, we have gained knowledge and experience in various species of parrots, making us specialists in the care, keeping and raising of a few species. We are committed to providing the best possible environment for our birds, ensuring they receive the utmost care and attention.

Contact Us
Looking for a new feathered friend or just have questions? Let us know!
Email: stepupparrots@gmail.com